Maclane (M) is a retro-reflective thermoplastic road making material conflrming to MORTH&H, 803.4. It is specially designed taking into account Indian traffic & climate conditions. The material is engineered to suit various weather & 1raffic conditions outside India too. "Maclane (M)" is suitable for application with manual, screed/extrusion automatic machines with excellent wear resistance and adhesion on asphalt roads
"Macline" is a specifically formulated high quality retro reflective thermoplastic road making material confirming to BS 3262 : Part 1 /1989. It is specially designed taking into account Indian traffic & climate conditions. It is based on aliphatic chemistry and offers superior weathering resistance and color stability. It is suitable for both screed and extrusion application. "Macline" is suitable for application with manual, screed/extrusion automatic machines with excellent wear resistance. It is ideal for cemented or reinforced concrete roads (e.g. highways), bituminous surf aces etc.
Profile/convex marking is specially designed for creating profiles in the marking. The material can be manufactured to suit various weather & traffic conditions outside Indio too. It has high durability, excellent adhesion, good visibility, high skid resistance and dries quickly. Profiles present in the marking alerts the driver when the vehicle steps on the marking by vibrations.
Maclite glass beads provide good, consistent retroreftective values in all conventional road marking materials. Used for Inter-mix or drop on applications produced to meet all federal, state, country, customers specifications.